How Does One Celebrate His Slava?

Fr. Chris, I want to start celebrating my Slava—how do I do it?


The Slava—the celebration of when our families “put on Christ”—is one of the most important things we can do to honor Christ as Serbian Orthodox Christians. 


To celebrate your Slava, you will need the following things:


1) Prepare for and receive the Holy Eucharist -There is no greater way to celebrate this relationship with Christ, than to be united with Him through partaking of His Body and His Blood!  I try to ensure that there is liturgy for every family’s Slava each year.


2) Slava Candle -The Slava Candle is lit either the moment the Slava services begins (if in the home), or upon returning from Church.  It represents the Light of Christ, which illumines all things, including our families!


3) Prepare a Slavski Kolach -This is the bread, which is offered for the glory and honor of Christ, in the person of His saint, our Patron.


4)   Prepare Koljevo/Žito -The wheat, offered in memory of all of our departed family members.  If we have loved ones who have passed, we should make the Koljevo for our Slava.  We should also have a list of family names to pray for.


5) Wine.


6) A shared meal with friends and neighbors -This is offered in thanksgiving to God for the blessing of being able to participate in His Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.  However, this is not the most important part of the Slava.  If one cannot put on a feast, that is ok.  Simply coming to Church, receiving the Holy Eucharist, and blessing the Slava Kolach and Koljevo are the most important aspects of the Slava Celebration.