Can I chew gum before receiving Holy Communion? |
Dear Fr. Chris, can I chew gum before receiving Holy Communion? The answer to this question is no. We cannot chew gum prior to receiving Holy Communion, or during the Holy Liturgy (or Pre-Sanctified Liturgy). In essence, by chewing gum, we are breaking the fast. This is also true of smoking. We cannot smoke (cigarettes or any other thing) prior to receiving the Holy Eucharist either. Unless there is a medical reason for us to eat before approaching the Chalice, and this has been spoken about with me, we should not eat or drink anything the morning before receiving Holy Communion. On the other hand, it is not breaking the fast to brush your teeth in the morning before receiving Holy Communion. We wash our bodies in anticipation of meeting the Lord—we should wash our mouths as well. |