Paramia for the Feast of Theophany
Book of Exodus, Ch 14
The nature of water is changed through encountering Jesus Christ. This is prefigured in the Book of Exodus, as the Holy Prophet Moses obeys the command of God, raising his staff over the Red Sea and making a path through it for the people of Israel.

Paramia for the Nativity of Christ
Prophecy of Isaiah
"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given..." These words of the Prophet Isaiah give hope to us who walked in darkness, because now, a Light has shined--the Light of Christ!
Paramia for the Nativity of Christ
Prophecy of Daniel
The Prophecy of Daniel proclaims the coming of the Son of the Living God--the mountain not cut by human hands--Who inaugurates the Kingdom of Heaven. Daniel prophecies the rise and fall of all of the kingdoms of the world, which crumble before the King of All, the Savior of the World.
Paramia for the Nativity of Christ
Prophecy of Jeremiah
This prophecy, written from the school of the Prophet Jeremiah by his scribe, Baruch (also a minor prophet) after his death, foretells of the Incarnation of the Word of God. Specifically, the Prophet Baruch highlights that the Law and the Commandments of God are one and the same in the person of the Word of God.
Paramia for the Nativity of Christ
Christmas Eve Isaiah 11
The reading from the Prophecy of Isaiah 11: 1-10 opens a vivid description of the coming of the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Isaiah foretells both how the Christ would be born; how He is the Son of the Living God upon Whom the Spirit of the Lord rests (not fills him up); and how He is the One Who will bring the Everlasting Peace.
Paramia for the Nativity of Christ
Prophecy of Micah
The Prophecy of Micah elaborates upon where the Christ Child is to be born--but also upon Who He is... Tune in with Fr. Chris to discover more of the Holy God--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--revealing Himself to His Creation.